In an attempt to wreak biological chaos the Faithful have constructed a toxin release device. The mechanism has a peculiar energy signature and we have been tracking its movements round the city. The vehicle transporting it has come to rest in this area.
The device could be in any car or truck at this site; you must destroy the vehicle carrying the weapon. Your team have *1 seconds to achieve this objective before the device is armed.
Should the device detonate any team members still at the site will be exposed to excessive toxicological contamination, and their future performance will be impaired.
**/Destroy the Toxin Device
Somewhere in this area is a toxin release device, a new technology to spread the plague further afield. The Faithful have moved it around the city in a car or truck for several days, we have been tracking it until it stopped at this site.
Your team must destroy the mechanism before it is armed. It could be secreted in any car or truck in the area, you have *1 seconds to destroy the vehicle it is in.
Should the device detonate any team members still at the site will be exposed to excessive toxicological contamination, and their future performance will be impaired.
Destroy the Toxin Device
The Faithful have constructed a toxin release system and are readying for its use. The machine emits a clear energy signature and HQ has tracked it to this location. Hidden in one of the cars or trucks is the device.
Your team must destroy the vehicle carrying the device and so destroy the mechanism itself, before it is armed, you have *1 seconds to achieve this objective.
Should the device detonate any team members still at the site will be exposed to excessive toxicological contamination, and their future performance will be impaired.